Thursday, March 18, 2010

Doran's Birthday is Today!

First off:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DORAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to update. Teehee.

So forget my last blog post. I've decided to keep writing, because I got back into role playing on a different site, and after thinking for a while, I figured that if I'm a terrible writer then at least I'm a happy one. I would much rather be that than not write at all. And I left the site that girl was on (which was Neoneo, but still go there if you're interested because it's an all around swell place).

Now I'm writing again and it feels good. Role playing is a great way to interact with people without actually getting into their lives. It's fun. Oh, and it's a great way for me to relieve stress, because if I'm upset then I can make my character go crazy for me and it's like an outlet. I don't know if that's normal or if other people do it, but it helps me and that's all that matters, right?

Even so, I felt like crap after what that girl said to me. But I finally got it all out of my system and things are starting to look up again. It's nice to see the sun shine after so many rainy days. =)

Oh, and you know what else is nice?

I hope you enjoyed that. I certainly did. Toodles.

1 comment:

  1. THANKS RACHELLE!!! :D I'm so close to being 18 omggg what to do?! And I'm so glad you're feeling better; the world is a much brighter place when you're smiling. =)

    LOL, by the way, EPIC video. This is just too awesome to be not the coolest viral video evahh. ;D


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