Friday, February 25, 2011

Gay Marriage?

You know, one of the main arguments against gay marriage really confuses me. Whenever I watch the news or read articles about gay marriage there's always someone there to say that it would ruin the "sanctity of marriage."

Sanctity of marriage?? That is the weakest argument that anti-gay-marriage advocates can come up with. There is no such thing as sanctity of marriage. There's no way to preserve it if it doesn't exist. Oh I know you might think I'm a heathen or something who doesn't believe in God or the Bible or whatever (or maybe you're not thinking that at all, I would have no idea seeing as I can't read minds :D)

But here's my question, for those of you who do believe that legalizing gay marriage would ruin the "sanctity of marriage."

If there is such a thing as "sanctity of marriage" and we have to do everything to preserve it, why is there a such thing as divorce?

I read an personal essay by Scott Bidstrup that lists all of the arguments against gay marriage and the absurdities behind them. He poses questions that I'm sure that not many people think about (people on both sides of the argument). I like this essay because he doesn't attack the opposition, but instead takes their arguments and turns them upside down.

You guys should read it. But I have to go now. Job hunting :D

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