Monday, February 22, 2010

Boring Sunday

I had a really boring Sunday. I woke up at nine and did nothing all day until eleven at night when I did my homework. Everything in between was filled with watching TV, eating, talking to friends, and a nap.

I had a day of Senioritis, I guess. I didn't want to do anything. Since I finished my Senior Project portfolio I don't really have the motivation to do homework. And I'll be graduating so soon.. I just need good enough grades to pass and I'm good. That's the kind of mentality I DON'T want.

I mean, it's pretty easy to keep my A's, except for bio. That's the only class I actually have to try in. And maybe a little in Calculus. But honestly, I barely have to try in my other classes. I don't feel like I'm BSing anything. I just feel like I hardly have to try.

I don't know what it is. But whatever, I'm not going to worry about it.

Wow. I think this is the shortest post I've had since starting this blog. That's so strange to think about. Ah well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. Well, toodles.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I'm sorry you had such a boring Sunday.

    I think everyone gets a little of the Senioritis Blues once they've got all their college stuff done and they realize that they're coming down the homestretch of highschool.

    It feels good to relax a bit for once, and I've been having Senioritis issues as well. :P

    Life doesn't let up though. It's good to try to keep a positive attitude and make sure you don't become PERMANENTLY lazy because it will hurt you later when you are tested for your ability to react to challenging situations. (College, anybody?)

    Also, getting good sleep will help you focus. But you already know all this stuff!

    Otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much about it, because it seems like just about everybody's suffering from it. ;D

    Until next time!


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