Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy Tuesday

So last night I had this crazy dream that I had telekinetic powers and at one point in my dream I was in an elevator with Angela, Robyn, Allison, and Chris and the elevator was flying down the stories of this skyscraper building we were in, and I used my powers to stop it just in time so we could escape. It was so awesome.. I wish the dream was real though.

Well, I woke up this morning very groggy and delirious, but I managed to get myself to the middle school for my senior project. I mostly observed the way Ms. Van taught the class and wrote a journal on what I witnessed. I like her teaching style, but she seemed a little cranky. Once the class was over I headed home because I was driving the van and my mom needed it. I wasn't really able to eat lunch because I had to help babysit before Nicole got home so my mom could take me to school. I made it early enough to hang out with my friends for a little bit.

When the bell rang I headed for math class. When I got there I plopped my backpack on my desk, unloaded my stuff, and right when I was about to put my backpack on the ground, a spider crawled out from underneath. I freaked out so bad that I jumped about half a foot back and screamed, "Oh my God, spider!!" I was terrified, but thankfully someone killed it for me. My teacher looked at me all weird and told me that my reaction wasn't beautiful, and I told her that I'm an arachnaphobic. Spiders really scare me.

Other than the spider thing, math went pretty well. I understood most of what Rosales was teaching. I hope I remember it all when I do my math homework tomorrow.

Choir wasn't so bad. We worked on sight singing, which is really funny since the middle schoolers are doing that too with Ms. Van. I'm glad for it though, because that'll help me when I get to college. We also worked on volume, which by far helped the most. Now I can hear the guys (especially Daniel, who's almost always on pitch despite the fact he sings through his nose) and we actually have a soprano section now. It's awesome.

Anyways, after school I had Chamber Singers till five and we got new music that I'm really excited about. I just hope we can get through it all. Then I rushed home and immediately started getting ready for the dance performance at the basketball game, and once I was finished I headed over to the school with my dad to a mandatory NY meeting which lasted longer than I anticipated. I actually had to leave early, dance, then come back. Our performance sucked, especially the line we're supposed to create at the end. It SO wasn't straight at all. Epic fail, really. The fun thing was that the crowd didn't even notice because they were so into the dance. I figure that's because they were all hyped up since we were winning against our rival, Healdsburg.

After that I came home and basically started on my AP homework, which I finished before doing this blog. All I have to do is study for vocab, which shouldn't be that difficult, but I haven't looked at the words for a while so I should probably go do that. Toodles.

1 comment:

  1. Bhahahahaha! Spiders are your friiiend! xD

    Sorry it took me so long to respond to this one; I've been somewhat preoccupied lately. >_< But I finally got around to it! Haha! Yes! I get to hear about your day two days ago! xD

    I only have one slight confusion on Choir: Why did it take you over half of the year to get to what seems to be basics? o.o Very odd lol.

    That's funny about the NY meet; bet you're all getting SUPER hyped up about that huh? ;) I wouldn't worry too much about that dance line though. All lines are straight in their own individual and special fashion. :]

    Oh and Daniel sings through his nose because he's sexy like that and his nose give him super powers.

    I should know.

    I made it.


    (Wtf? O.o)


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