Friday, January 22, 2010

So Very Interesting...

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was doing math homework and afterward I was so tired I just went to bed. But I'll post today about what happened yesterday!

I had to wake up early since I had core and then bio. My alarm went off at 5:30 and then 6:00 (it takes me half an hour to wake up) and took a shower. I didn't realize that I could have slept in till 6:30 because I don't leave my house until 7:30, but I was able to play around online for a while, which was nice.

While I was on my computer Doran got online. I was surprised because normally he doesn't wake up till after I'm at school, so I asked if he had woken up early to finish his Art History project. Turns out it was an all nighter he pulled, and that made me worry. He's only done this (I think) twice that I can remember, but I really don't want it to become a regular thing. He gets very cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep and it's not fun.

Anyways, soon I had to leave so I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door with my dad, who was going to drop me off at school in my brother's car since the truck is still at the shop and my brother was using a work truck. I swear though, his car is a freakin' death trap. But, I got to school safely enough.

First block was history and it wasn't all that interesting. We turned in our DBQs and finished these presentations that we had started last class. It lasted the whole block and we didn't even get to the lecture notes. English was next and we peer-edited our essays for most of the block. However, he gave us part of an essay he wrote based on the prompt and asked us to edit it for a few things he listed on the board. When he asked what needed to be changed a few minutes later, though I don't remember exactly what he said, Catalina responded to his comment with, "You can do it, you're a big boy." The class erupted in laughter at this comment, and my English teacher looked a little embarrassed.

Lunch was absolutely hilarious. Adam kept posing in a creepy manner, with his shirt unbuttoned to expose his chest. Emily took pictures on her phone. Since I didn't have anything to eat I just bummed off of everyone else, though mostly Daniel. It's kind of a tradition now to eat his food. I've been doing it for five years now.

The most interesting part of my day, however, was third block. Our new colloquium is family, and we spent most of the class talking about how we're raised and whether or not parents should raise their kids or the community (based on an article we read). At one point my teachers asked us to write down what our family heirloom would be. I put down my mom's bracelets that have my and my brother's middle names on them.

My teachers first told us what their heirlooms were. Coursey's heirloom was a mixing bowl and wooden spoon his mother would use to make chocolate chip cookies. Leslie's... well, that what made this whole thing interesting.

Leslie told us that he had an ash tray he took from his mother's house that used to be from where she worked. He then proceeded to inform us that his mom used to work for Hugh Hefner. He said she didn't pose for all those magazines or whatever, but that she was a waitress in one of his bars. But he told us that she wore the playboy bunny outfit. The class couldn't stop laughing, it was so hysterical.

The rest of my day was pretty normal. I babysat when I got home, had pizza for dinner, then did my math homework and fell asleep. Anyway, I really have to go -- I've got Calculus.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, sounds like an interesting day. Too bad I wasn't there to see Adam's creepy poses.

    There is no shame in working for Hugh Hefner! A few times when I was a young girl and money was tight I posed for him too.

    ...Oh wait, I never was a young girl.

    Sorry! Wrong persona.


    Anyways, happy Friday! =) Do post again -- I'd love to hear about today as well.


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