I find that whenever I am bored with absolutely nothing to do but watch reruns of my favorite shows, I will go through old documents that I've written or have been written for me, just for old time's sake. It's endearing, really, to look back on fond memories, even when they're not in the form of written words. I like to remember the good ol' days, when life was fairly simple.
My favorite thing to do, though, is to read old documents Doran has sent me. My favorites are the one he sent me for my birthday, a "Who Am I?" essay he wrote for English one year, and a story he wrote about Halloween. Oh, and the other is a poem he wrote for our anniversary one year.
I have many reasons for liking these particular documents. One, all of them were for me or mentioned me (I'm so vain/selfish); two, he is a very good writer and he's really creative; and three, they were written by him. I love reading things he's written because he writes with a comedic twist, even when he's being serious. I can really picture what he writes. It's awesome.
I also love these documents because they're deep. Though he can write with hilarity, there's still the underlying emotion. Like the letter he wrote for me for my birthday -- some parts are quite funny, but it's so filled with love and care that I may only chuckle softly while reading. Or the poem he wrote for me: the first stanza of that basically says that his first impression of me was that I was deranged, but it's still filled with love too.
Haha I love how I started this out with looking back on fond memories and then it turned into how much I love the way Doran writes. Ah well, both are subjects I like to think about.
Now if only he would write more for me...
Aw, shucks. ^_^ Thanks Rachelle, that means a lot to me. I'm glad you like my writing and that those examples meant as much to you as they did to me!