So I got sick last Friday, and I have to say that the journey from then to now has been an interesting one. You would think that being sick would make me sit around and do nothing, and you'd be right.
But you'd also be wrong.
For the last three days I have been watching Avatar: the Last Airbender. Now normally this isn't really anything special to talk about -- but what I learned from watching it is genuine. You'll think me crazy, but once you get past the plot and element bending you can really learn a lot.
As Aang travels from nation to nation, learning the various ways and traditions of bending the elements, he meets a lot of interesting people. Some of them are bad, some good, and some very wise. It is these wise people in the story that you really have to pay attention to. They're the ones that have the best lessons to learn from.
For example, in one episode, Aang meets up with a Guru in the Eastern Air Temple. This Guru teaches him how to open up his "chakra" -- centers of spiritual energy in the human body. He starts at the Root, the area of stability and strength. Then together they work their way up and open all the chakra in Aang's body so he can control the "Avatar State". Anyway, as they do this, the Guru explains each chakra and how to unlock it.
At the Earth (root) chakra, he says it is blocked by fear. He tells Aang to let go of what he's afraid of. Next is Water (sacral) chakra, the area of feelings and sexuality. To open that one up, Aang must let go of all his guilt. Third, the Fire (navel) chakra contains the willpower of a person. To unlock it he must let go of his shame. In the fourth, the Heart chakra (obviously for love), Aang must let go of his grief to open it. The fifth chakra, called the Sound (throat) chakra, deals with truth and for him to open it, he must admit the lies he has placed and accept who he is. Then he moves onto the sixth chakra, the Chakra of Light (third eye chakra). It deals with insight and intuition and is blocked by illusions. The final chakra is called the Thought (crown) chakra. This chakra deals with, you guessed it, thought! It's also concerned with wisdom and understanding the world and yourself. To unlock it, he has to let go of his attachments. In the episode it was supposed to let Aang enter the Avatar state whenever he wished.
Now, you probably read that and are thinking that I'm pretty much retarded for explaining all that. But forget my inserts of weirdness and actually read it. The chakra exist in each of us whether we believe in them or not. If you take what they stand for or what they mean, you can learn to help yourself. Think about it -- take your fears, guilt, shame, grief, lies, illusions, and attachments and let. them. go. Don't you think that if we allowed ourselves to let these things go, the world would be a better place? A place rid of hatred, racism, sexism, prejudice and misunderstanding. A world, a universe, filled with love, acceptance, understanding, friendship and so much more.
Isn't that what America was supposed to be about? Forget the controversy surrounding the Founding Fathers, forget our rocky relationship with Britain, think about what the essence of this country is supposed to be. We are supposed to be the land of the free. But take a good look, everyone.
What do you see?
I see greed, corruption, out-sourcing, hatred, confusion, people losing homes, families forced to break up, hunger rampaging through third world countries, politicians arguing, cultures dying, big businesses controlling the people, human beings dying for a lost cause, war, recession; I see racism, reverse racism, sexism, prejudice, oil leaks, blame, shame, regret, remorse, grief, helplessness, hopelessness, people who are lost, those who have lost everything, homeless, the ones forgotten, the ones left to die... I see a world slowly dying because of all these things.
And yet...
I also see the potential for greatness. I see good people, families holding together despite everything they have been through; I see community, friendship, understanding, acceptance, discipline, restraint, compassion, empathy, open arms, reunions, embraces, hope, those willing to help, the ones who haven't forgotten the ones who believe they are forgotten. I see culture, bonds forming, those reaching out a helping hand, others who help when they can, survival, togetherness, resourcefulness...
But more than that I see life and I see love.
We are not separated from each other as much as we think we are. Even this silly show, that at first glance looks childish, holds a valuable life lesson: "Everyone is part of One People, yet we live as separate people. Even the Separation of the Four Elements is an illusion; four parts of the same whole." We are a whole world. We may be different, but it is these differences, these rifts between us, that also unify us. At the base of everything we are all living things. Made up of the same organisms and the same DNA.
You may not agree with me and that's okay. You may not think that this applies to you, but if you truly think about it, it does.
Think of the person, group, or family that you thought of while reading this. Have you always been kind to them, even as a young child? But more than that -- will you, reader, forgive yourself, not for your sins, but for your mistakes, the things you regret? Show the people that you once hurt that you still love them. Imagine being in the shoes of the person you hate, and try to forgive them too.
People do stupid things. It's a part of nature. But if you "open your chakra", if you let go of what is brewing in your heart and eating you up inside, you might finally find peace.
"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same."
Marianne Williamson wasn't kidding when she said that. It's something everyone can learn from and I feel it fits in with what I've been talking about. Our insecurities hold us back from making the world a better place. We are afraid to let ourselves be who we really are, show the world what wonderful things we can do. It is difficult for us to show kindness to one who we think outshines us. I know this is true, because I experience it all the time, even with friends. But it is NOT impossible to shine with them.
Reader, I'm not asking you to change the entire world on your own. I'm not asking you to change who you are. Your past will always affect who you are now and who you will be. But the next time you feel you have lost your way, remember this: if you can learn to let go of what is blocking you, and focus on doing what you think is right in whatever you pursue, there's no telling what amazing things you can accomplish.
When you let your light shine, others will do the same. With insecurities forgotten, you and everyone you affect can open up in your own way and banish the dark things that invade this earth like parasites. Liberated from your own fears and mistakes, you are able to permit love and understanding in your heart. As you grow others will too. Like a chain reaction.
You can affect change in this world. We are connected, like the elements. The illusion that we are separated has been drawn and redrawn for us a million times over. Our job now is to take that drawing and create something beautiful.
For beauty exists not only in your hands, reader, but in everyone's. Share it, and that beat up piece of paper will become a world masterpiece, something that we can share for generations to come.
There is still beauty and hope in this world. Let's open our hearts and our minds to it.
This was a beautiful post in and of itself :) I agree with you whole heartedly
ReplyDeleteHere's to that. Damn good show, damn good lesson. All people could benefit from those words of wisdom.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I must say one thing, which is that when Aang was expected to give up all attachments, including his love for Katara, he couldn't do it. This is a burden that can only be shouldered by some, and in the case of ultimate power, which was basically what Aang was being offered, perhaps it is better to allow oneself to experience those attachments, because some are worth giving up that spiritual perfection.