Monday, April 5, 2010

One problem down, another to go.

I am officially going to Sonoma State University. And I'm so excited!!! I'm so glad I made my decision yesterday because I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The only problem is that, even though that weight is off my shoulders, another on was added on.

Last night Alexa came over and we talked about a lot of stuff, because that's what we do when we haven't hung out in a while. Well, while we were talking I brought up some stuff that I actually hadn't thought about before she was over. That normally happens when she's over. Well, I wrote down how I was feeling to Doran in an email around three in the morning, and I got his reply when I woke up. It was really long and detailed, and at the end he said he'd call me when he woke up. He's going to wake up soon (he went to bed at five thirty because his reply took a while) and I'm really nervous because he wants to talk about everything in the emails.

But anyway, this morning I sent him another email in reply to his reply, and I want him to read it before we talk about it. I kind of don't want to talk about it on the phone, simply because I don't know how to talk about serious stuff on the phone. I'm so used to doing it on AIM. Plus, I'm kind of scared to talk on the phone. I don't know why but I really am. And I put that in the email I sent this morning. So I want him to read it beforehand.

Hopefully our talk goes well. *crosses fingers*


1 comment:

  1. I think you should try to conquer that fear. I won't bite, I promise.

    I'm glad we talked about all of that stuff though, it's a relief to have stuff off my chest, and I'm sure it's the same for you.

    I just have to remember that neither of us can always know what the other person is feeling, and sometimes it's necessary to just let all your feelings out and to let them know.

    If you trust them enough, you should be able to say what you feel and they will not judge you. And that's what's important.

    I didn't make you talk on the phone since I know you didn't want to...But I still think we should. No pressure though. We can talk about whatever we like in a relaxed way that won't make you all "Gaaaaaaaaah!"


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