Saturday, April 3, 2010

Prom Dress!!

So today, the epic happened.

I found a prom dress.

Now, this may not seem so fantastical to you, but for me, it's a miracle. Usually when I do any kind of shopping, it takes me more than a day to find something I like. Now, with dresses, it takes me about two or three days and many hours of shopping to find something that I like and that fits me. Being overweight doesn't help either.

But the epic happened today and I found a dress! I found it and it's beautiful and I look fantastic in it (which is rare) and I love it!!! I feel like a princess in it and I get excited just thinking about it. I refuse to give details though, because I know Doran will eventually read this and I don't want him to know anything about it.

Also, as a bit of a marketing device, go to JC Pennys if you're looking for a dress, because, even though they might not have a wide selection, they do have really amazing dresses. I went to this one dress shop at the Plaza mall in Santa Rosa that's downstairs and in the corner and their dresses were pretty much crap. They're all for smaller girls and they weren't that pretty. Plus, they were priced over two hundred dollars. But JC Pennys has served me well and my dress was only sixty bucks on sale.

Anyway, that's enough marketing out of me. It's like, two in the morning now, so I think I'll cut this post short. Sorry for those of you that wanted me to keep going. Toodles.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you are NOT overweight!

    But I'm glad you found a dress that you like. I don't go shopping (ever.) but it sounds really frustrating from what you say. xD

    I bet you do look like a princess in that dress (Then again, you always look like a princess to me!) and I can't wait to see you in it.

    Are you excited for Prom yet? Lol...that was a dumb question. Maybe I should ask HOW excited you are. Okay! On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you?! (I'm over 9000! >:O)


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