Becca says hi everyone. And Megan says she's queen because they rigged the voting system. Stupid preps. Anyway.
Last night was absolutely fantastic. Well, actually, all of yesterday was. Doran came over around one in the afternoon and we spent all day together just hanging out and stuff. Then around four thirty we started getting ready for Prom, though we were really cutting it close because we had to be at Becca's at 6:15. We were only like ten minutes late. But anyways..
Oh my gosh, you should have seen all of the pretty dress my friends were wearing. Becca, our prom queen nominee, wore a deep purple dress that hugged her curves and her hair was pulled back into a stylish bun. She also had black elbow length gloves and purple eyeshadow. She looked stunning. Megan wore a flow-y knee length green dress with ties in the back, black gloves, and a little hair band decoration in her hair. She had a floral shawl too, which completed the look. Raina wore a dark purple ankle length strapless dress that hugged her body with a purple floral pin at the top. Her hair was pulled back into a stylish braid that took over twenty bobby pins to hold in. My other friend Megan wore a bright blue strapless gown with a sparkle design on the torso with ties in the back and her hair up in a curly bun. Emily wore a dark blue dress with long pieces of cloth sewn into the back that could either be part of a shawl or just flow-y decorations. Her hair was curled a little and some of it pinned up.
I have to say that all of us looked extremely fantastic. We all thought it was funny that I was the only one wearing orange. I stood out. Haha.
Okay, so after Doran and I got ready (he had a matching orange tie ^.^) we left for Becca's house and got there a little late. We took group photos with everyone and I got a lot of compliments on my dress. I honestly felt like a princess. Then after photos we headed over to Olive Garden where we were supposed to eat, but once we arrived they told us there would be an hour wait. None of us wanted to wait that long so we all decided to go to In and Out (which is so much better in my opinion) and everyone there looked at us with incredulous expressions because they had no idea why such nicely dressed people were at a fast food restaurant.
But we ate dinner there anyways, and we took tons of pictures and even got the workers to take one with us. It was so much fun and we had a blast just hanging out and talking and having fun with each other. At one point Jon stood up and raised his cup for a toast, and we all did the same. Thinking about it now kind of makes me nostalgic for the good ol' days, when we didn't have to think about college or graduation or leaving our friends. Life has passed by so quickly that it's hard to keep up with everything going on.
But anyways, after we all ate we headed over to the Santa Rosa Hyatt Vineyard Hotel where prom was at. I love it there because it's so beautiful. We got through all the security stuff and I found out that there was one other girl there who was wearing the EXACT SAME DRESS as me. I tried not to be surprised about it because I bought it at JC Penny's so there was bound to be someone else wearing it too, but I was still a little sad. Though I have to say (and my friends agree) I pulled it off a lot better. I don't want to be vain, though I guess I already am. Haha. Oh well.
The first thing Doran and I did after getting through security was get our pictures taken. I told him that it would be better to do it sooner than later, because later we would all be sweaty and gross. So we waited in a medium-long line and the photographer posed us. I can't wait to get the photos and see what we look like. ^.^
After pictures were through we voted for Becca for prom queen and Cameron for prom king and then headed into the dance room. Our friends were all surrounding a circular table near the food, so I pulled him over there. Throughout all of this we came across quite a few of my friends, who I made spin around for me to show me their dresses. Everyone looked really fantastic. There were a couple of people wearing orange dresses and a lot of red. One person I saw wore white, but the main colors were blue, red, and black.
Unfortunately, this year Doran and I didn't dance so much. We did dance to every slow song, which were actually my favorite ones. At one point Jon started a party boy line, similar to conga line, and he led everyone around the room. The bad part about that was that Doran accidentally spilled his drink all over the floor and the whole line came crashing through the spilled ice and soda. Both of us were like, "NNOOO GO THE OTHER WAYYY" but no one heard us. The workers cleaned up fast though.
Oh, so the food they had was delicious. It was all dessert food, but they had apple slices, kind of parfaits, graham crackers, pretzels, pineapple slices, strawberries, marshmallows, wafers, chocolates, cantaloupe slices, cupcakes, and best of all, a chocolate fountain. I tried to stay away from that because I knew if I tasted it I wouldn't stop eating it. So I stuck to eating apple slices, which were actually really delicious. For drinks they had a variety of Shirley Temples, water, and some sodas, like orange Fanta, Pepsi, Coke, and I think root beer. The Shirley Temples were soooo good.
Okay back to the party. So my friends and I mostly stayed away from the dance floor because it was just a giant mosh pit and we didn't want to get crushed in the throng of people. Though at one point the DJ announced that there would be swing songs playing, so after the floor cleared my friends and I invaded and did the Charleston (which I seriously don't know how to dance) and then we did a bunch of swing dances. When the fast song came on Jon grabbed Megan and they started showing off their moves, doing flips and dips and the like. It was actually pretty cool.
After the swing dancing most of us went out into the lobby section to get some air. I was talking to Brenda and Anthony and Anthony was sweating like a dog so I grabbed some napkins on a table nearby and started wiping his face. He turned a little red at that but I told him he needed it. Then I dragged Doran back inside to go sit down because he kept telling me his legs were hurting. We talked for a little, while the music vibrated throughout our bodies.
That was one thing I didn't like about the prom. The music was pretty much all the same. It consisted of a very loud, thumping bass with a little bit of actual music in the background. Like Unce music, really. They did play a few good songs though, including the swing songs and a couple from dance I knew. That was really fun, when they played like Single Ladies and Day n Night. I actually did the choreography from the Dance Team in my gown.
Oh, and then they had a Thriller competition! The DJ played Thriller and said that anyone who could do the whole dance would win two tickets to a rap concert. The funny thing is that Becca won and she isn't really into that kind of music. But she did the Thriller dance very well. Marisa won too, doing the routine from dance. It was fantastic.
Unfortunately, Becca didn't win title of Prom Queen. Instead this couple won, which pissed me off because that always rigs the voting system. Everyone I know wanted Becca to win. Stupid popular people.. And apparently this couple had been together since freshman year, which really pissed me off because so have Doran and I and it just seems stupid that that's how they vote. It's like, what the hell? But whatever.
After the swing dancing was finished and Becca won the Thriller dance, we all headed back to our dance corner by the food table. We started a like, tribal dance in this corner and a table of preps nearby kept looking at us like, "What the hell?" but the great thing was that none of us cared. We were dancing around in a circle really crazily and at one point I got in the middle and spun around dancing while everyone else grabbed hands and started rotating the opposite direction. It was so fun!! And even Doran got in on it.
God, I just realized this post must be extremely long. I'm sorry to those of you taking the time to read this, I got so into the details!! I can't help it, I just want to get everything documented..
But to continue.
I must have left Doran stranded so many times last night. It was only after I was finished getting to my destination that I realized I'd left him behind. So I had to maneuver back through the crowd to find him, and when I did I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. The few times we danced together were really fun.
Oh my gosh, so during one of the times Doran and I were on the dance floor together my friends Paulie and Kelly Rose were right behind me dancing too. Doran and I were facing each other and Paulie and Kelly Rose were facing each other, so Paulie and I were back to back. Now both of us were dancing a lot and our butts kept hitting each other and I was like "What the hell is going on?" and Paulie, at the same time, was thinking it was a competition. After about a minute I had to stop and turn around laughing at him because it was so awkward and weird. But thinking about it now makes me laugh out loud. What made it funnier was that neither Doran nor Kelly Rose knew about it until afterward.
Oh I remember that when Doran and I were at the front near the DJ's stage we were dancing together (while getting stuck in the mob) and some guy approached a girl behind me and asked her to dance. She told him sure and they started freaking right there and after the song was over he left. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes. I don't think they even knew each other and yet they danced like that! It was just.. incredulous to me. But I guess that's high school...
After about two hours of partying with my friends, and still having an hour before Prom ended, we were all pretty much beat. Doran and I just sat down together talking a little and relaxing. When our ride arrived we headed outside. I talked to a couple of my teachers for a moment, describing my before and after Prom self, then went into the nice cold air outside the building. It was lovely after being cramped in a sweat filled, heated room. When I got home I stayed up for a little longer, then conked out on my bed until around 11:30 this morning.
So that's just about everything I remember from Prom. If I do happen to remember anything else I'll mention it in a new post. Sorry again for it being so long.. I hope you enjoyed my rant though!
Thanks for reading if you did. Toodles!
HEY! You're allowed to feel good when you know you look good! Don't worry about people thinking you're vain. You looked really beautiful, girl =]
ReplyDeleteWOW! What a post! I guess it is the magical night after all though, so it deserves a gigantical post. ;D
ReplyDeleteI had an amazing time at Prom, and it's good to know that you did too! You truly remember all of those small details. O.o But it's cool to see everything from your perspective. xD
I don't think we could have possibly asked for a more awesometastic group of friends to go to Prom with. Those Preps can freak all they like; WE know the true dancing is tribal-style craziness!! Hahahah.
I'm happy to have a bunch of new fantastical memories with me in addition to last years' Prom.
I wouldn't have wanted them any other way than with you on my arm, my love.
You looked beautiful in your dress, and you blew me away. (Maybe that's why I looked a little dazed in some of those photos.) ;D
Just an amazing night! I'm sure this will remain one of our favorite memories for years and years to come.
I love you. <3
it was a kick ass prom :) I am glad you had a great time too :D